Capitol Building 6, Suite 600

1900 Kanawha Boulevard, East

Charleston, West Virginia

July 8, 2024 - 9:00 a.m.




Welcome - Pledge of Allegiance - Introductions - Call to Order




L. Paul Hardesty, President





Approval of Agenda - (Action)




L. Paul Hardesty


















School Safety - (Information)




Jonah Adkins






County Technical Assistance Updates - (Information)




Jeffrey Kelley






Consent Agenda - (Action)







Approval of Minutes - (Action)

Attachment A







It is recommended that the minutes of the June 12, 2024, meeting of the West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) be approved.








Routine Business                                  










Employment of Substitute Teachers in Areas of Critical Need and Shortage - (Action)

Attachment B





Kelli Talbott










Pursuant to W. Va. Code §18A-2-3, Calhoun County has submitted a policy for the WVBE’s approval.










It is recommended that the Employment of Substitute Teachers in Areas of Critical Need and Shortage policy for Calhoun County be approved.










Employment of Retired Bus Operators as Substitutes in Areas of Critical Need and Shortage - (Action)

Attachment C





Kelli Talbott










Pursuant to W. Va. Code §18A-4-15a, Calhoun County has submitted a policy for the WVBE’s approval.










It is recommended that the Employment of Retired Bus Operators as Substitutes in Areas of Critical Need and Shortage policy for Calhoun County be approved.










Statewide Waiver Requests of Policy 8200, Purchasing Procedures for Local Educational Agencies - (Action)

Attachment D-1

Attachment D-2





Uriah Cummings










Statewide waiver requests of Policy 8200 at sections 3.2.3.a, 7.11.1, and 7.11.2 are requested for school year 2024-2025 or until such time as Policy 8200 is amended.  Section 3.2.3.a pertains to the ability to procure screener services while forgoing competitive bidding; sections 7.11.1 and 7.11.2 revise the competitive bid thresholds to line up with the thresholds that will exist once Policy 8200 is amended.










It is recommended that the statewide waiver requests of Policy 8200 at sections 3.2.3.a, 7.11.1, and 7.11.2 be approved for school year 2024-2025 or until such time as Policy 8200 is amended.










Career Technical Education (CTE) Endorsements and Testing Manual - (Action)

Attachment E





Robert Hagerman










The WVBE required testing (ex. basic skills or NOCTI exams) for CTE endorsements is maintained on the WVDE website.  Formatting, additional tests(s), scores, added endorsement areas, or exceptions have been changed to reflect updates in policy and exams.










It is recommended that the CTE Endorsements and Testing Manual be approved.










West Virginia Licensure Testing Directory - (Action)

Attachment F





Robert Hagerman










The WVBE required licensure exams for educator certification and completion of WVBE-approved programs leading to West Virginia licensure directory is maintained on the WVDE website.  Additional test(s), scores, or exceptions have been changed to reflect updates in policy and exams.










It is recommended that the West Virginia Licensure Testing Directory be approved.










AAQEP Accreditation Final Decisions for Educator Preparation Program (Spring 2024):  University of Charleston - (Action)

Attachment G





Traci Tuttle










In June 2024, AAQEP issued their accreditation decisions to those EPPs who hosted full on-site reviews in the Spring of 2024.  The University of Charleston received full accreditation. The joint visit included WVDE and WVHEPC observers who determined the Educator Preparation Program at the University of Charleston is in compliance with WVBE Policy 5100, without reservation.










It is recommended that that the WVBE accept the AAQEP decision of  Full Accreditation for the University of Charleston.










Policy 2436.10, Participation in Extracurricular Activities - (Action)

Attachment H-1





Drew McClanahan

Attachment H-2









Policy 2436.10 is being amended to comply with House Bill 2820 (2023 Regular Session).  The comment received during the comment period resulted in changes to the policy (see Attachment H-1).










It is recommended that Policy 2436.10, as amended, be approved and effective 30 days from filing.










Policy 2520.4, West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Social Studies - (Action)

Attachment I-1

Attachment I-2





Erika Klose










Policy 2520.4 defines the knowledge, skills, and dispositions that students need to become college- and career-ready in kindergarten through twelfth grade. Revisions have been made for increased clarity and increased ability to personalize instruction for students as well as to honor educators’ professional autonomy in the selection of curriculum for study. Additionally, changes were made to adjust the civics standards to reflect the new personal finance stand-along course with the 2024-2025 freshmen cohort.  Comments received during the comment period resulted in changes to the policy (see Attachment I-1); multiple minor editorial changes were made to the policy for clarity and consistency of usage.










It is recommended that Policy 2520.4, as amended, be approved and effective July 1, 2025.










Policy 8100, Public School Finance - (Action)

Attachment J-1





Uriah Cummings

Attachment J-2









Policy 8100 was last revised in 1990.  It is being repealed and replaced to incorporate numerous changes in public school finance including but not limited to: charter public schools, payroll evolution, purchasing evolution, and various statutory and WVBE policy revisions and implementation that impact school finance. The revised policy thoroughly defines public school finance in West Virginia and incorporates real world experiences and practices from West Virginia School Business Officials. The comments received during the comment period resulted in changes to the policy (see Attachment J-1).










It is recommended that Policy 8100, as amended, be approved and effective 30 days from filing.










Policy 8224, Increased Enrollment - (Action)

Attachment K





Uriah Cummings










Policy 8224 was last revised in 2005.  It is being revised to incorporate changes to the increased enrollment statute found in W. Va. Code §18-9A‑15, to incorporate language related to public charter schools, and to provide modifications to the way enrollment is projected in West Virginia.  No comments were received during the comment period.










It is recommended that Policy 8224 be approved and effective 30 days from filing.










West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission (WVSSAC)  Series 1, Constitution, Series 2, Athletics, Provisions Governing Eligibility, Series 3, Provisions Governing Contests, and Series 4, Provisions Governing Conduct - (Action)

Attachment L-1

Attachment L-2

Attachment L-3

Attachment L-4





David Price










The majority of public and most private schools in West Virginia belong to the WVSSAC. Each year, principals of member schools submit revisions to the rules and regulations. The submitted proposals are presented and voted upon at the annual Board of Control meeting. Any approved changes are then submitted to the WVBE for its review and approval. The proposed amendments are brought forth to keep the WVSSAC current and updated on changes, trends and issues in the band and athletic programs. This year 19  proposals, found in the attachment, were submitted by member schools for consideration.  Comments received during the comment period resulted in no changes to the rules.










It is recommended that WVSSAC Series 1, 2, 3, and 4 be approved and effective 60 days from filing.










Annual Report on the Number of High School Diplomas Issued in Accordance with Policy 4355, High School Diplomas for Veterans - (Information)

Attachment M





Traci Tuttle










W. Va. Code §18-2-5, §18-2-34, and Policy 4355 establish the rules, procedures, and regulations for providing a high school diploma to surviving veterans of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam.  This report provides the total number of individuals issued a diploma in accordance with this policy, including a breakdown of the total into individual categories for each war or conflict.










Report of 2023-2024 Waivers of WVBE Policies and Regulations, Superintendent's Interpretations, State Statutes, and Legislative Rules - (Information)

Attachment Mc





Joey Wiseman










W. Va. Code §18-5A-3 requires the WVBE to submit an annual report regarding waivers of WVBE policy to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability. The attachment provides information on waiver requests and their disposition for the 2023-2024 school year.










West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind Monthly Update - (Information)

Attachment N





Clayton Burch, Superintendent, West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind








New Business







Update:  Hampshire County Schools Special Education Services State of Emergency - (Information)




Jeffrey Kelley








An update regarding progress addressing the findings and deficiencies outlined in the Hampshire County Schools Special Education Services Review Report will be provided.








Update:  Logan County Schools Intervention - (Information)




Jeffrey Kelley








An update regarding progress addressing the findings and deficiencies outlined in the Logan County Schools Special Circumstance Review Report will be provided.








Update:  Upshur County Schools Intervention - (Information)







An update regarding progress addressing the findings and deficiencies outlined in the Upshur County Schools Special Circumstance Review Report will be provided.








WVBE and WVDE Personnel Matters - (Action)




L. Paul Hardesty








WVBE personnel and/or legal matters may involve an Executive Session as provided in W. Va. Code §6-9A-4(b)(2)(A) [personnel exception] and/or §6-9A-4 [matters involving attorney‑client privilege per Peters   v. County Commission, 205   W. Va. 481 (1999)].  The Board majority must vote to have an Executive Session.  (No action will be taken in Executive Session.) 








It is recommended and a motion is requested to approve the WVBE personnel matters found in the attachment.

Attachment O







It is recommended and a motion is requested to approve the WVDE personnel matters found in the attachment.

Attachment P





WVDE Reports - (Information)






WVBE Member Updates and Requests for Information - (Information)




L. Paul Hardesty





Future Meetings - (Information)




L. Paul Hardesty





The next regular meeting of the WVBE will be held August 14, 2024, in Charleston, West Virginia.





Election of WVBE Officers - (Action)




L. Paul Hardesty





Adjournment - (Action)