West Virginia Board of Education (WVBE) Policies

Open for Public Comment

NOTICE: Comments, as submitted, shall be filed with the West Virginia Secretary of State's Office and open for public inspection and copying for a period of not less than five years.

POLICY 4374 - Personal Electronic Device Usage in Schools (URL)
Until 4:00 PM March 20
Comment Online!

WVBE Policy Waiver Procedures and Forms

The West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) provides procedures and forms to waive the WVBE's policies and administrative rules. The following procedure document is available to the public along with the following five types of waiver forms: County/School system, Local School Improvement Council, Advanced Placement, Higher Education and more recently, COVID-19 waiver requests. The educational organization reviews the procedures and selects the correct waiver form to complete and submit in an application to the Assistant Superintendent of Schools. The waiver requests are reviewed by WVDE staff and submitted to the WVBE for consideration and approval. The applicant is notified of WVBE approval or non-approval via a letter of to the applicant.

Year to Year Reports of WVBE Policy Waiver Requests

The WVDE presents annual reports to the WVBE and Legislative Oversight Commission on Educational Accountability (LOCEA). The reports provides the following information: Name of County/School Request; Policy #; Grade Level; Program Scope; Additional Information/Disposition regarding the administrative rule; and the Approval or Non-Approval Date.


Dual Credit Policy Template - (DOC), (PDF)
Embedded Credit Policy Template - (DOC), (PDF)
Virtual School Policy Template
Instructional Resources Policy Template
2020 Instructional Support Professional Learning Forum Documentation of Participation

West Virginia Board of Education Policies

Article I - Series 1000
Role and Function of State Education Agency
Policy 1224.1Accounting Procedures Manual for Public Schools
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 1230Freedom of Information Requests
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 1241Notice and Conduct of Meetings
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 1242State Board of Education Policy Making Process
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 1340Rules of Procedure for Administrative Hearings and Appeals
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 1461Drug-Free Workplace
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 1471Regulations for Adult Diversion and Transition Programs
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Article II - Series 2000
Educational Program Development
Policy 2315Comprehensive School Counseling Model
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2322West Virginia System of Support and Accountability
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2330Nonpublic School Accreditation
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2340West Virginia Measures of Academic Progress
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2417Regulations and English Language Proficiency Standards for English Learners and Alternate English Language Proficiency Standards for English Learners with Significant Cognitive Disabilities
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2419Regulations for the Education of Students with Exceptionalities
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2420Adult Education Programs
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2422.2Driver Education Regulations
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2422.7Standards for Basic and Specialized Health Care Procedures and Standards For the Possession and Use of Medical Cannabis By a Student
(PDF, external); (Word, external)

Title change: Standards for Basic and Specialized Health Care Procedures and Standards for the Possession and Use of Medical Cannabis By a Student Procedure manual: (PDF) and (Appendices A and B)
Policy 2423Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2425Community Schools: Promoting Health, Safety, Well-Being and Academic Success of Students
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2436.10Participation in extracurricular activities
(PDF, external); (Word, external)

See SSAC Rules at http://www.wvssac.org
Policy 2444.4Issuance of the State of West Virginia High School Equivalency Diploma and Option Pathway
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2445.40Instructional Resources
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2446Public School Support for the Mountaineer ChalleNGe Academy
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2460Educational Purpose and Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources, Technologies and the Internet
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2510Assuring Quality of Education: Regulations for Education Programs
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2512Tiered System of Support for Early Literacy and Numeracy
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2525West Virginia's Universal Access to a Quality Early Education System
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2800Regulations for Juvenile Diversion and Transition Programs
(PDF, external); (Word, external)

WVBE Content Standards Policies
Policy 2520.1AWest Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for English Language Arts
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2520.2BWest Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Mathematics
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2520.3CWest Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Science
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2520.4West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Social Studies
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Effective July 1, 2025: PDF, Word
Policy 2520.5West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Wellness Education
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2520.7West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for World Languages
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2520.8West Virginia Driver Education Standards
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2520.9West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for the Arts
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2520.13West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Programs of Study/Standards for Career and Technical Education
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2520.14West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Standards for Technology and Computer Science
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2520.15West Virginia Pre-K Standards (Ages 3-5)
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Effective July 1, 2025: (PDF), (Word),
Policy 2520.16West Virginia Alternate Academic Achievement Standards
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 2520.19West Virginia College- and Career-Readiness Dispositions and Standards for Student Success for Grades K-12 (Under review for revisions)
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Article III - Series 3000
School District Organization
Policy 3232Establishment Procedures And Operating Policies For Multi-county Career And Technical Education Centers
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 3234School Calendar
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 3236Innovation in Education
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 3300Charter Public Schools
(PDF, external); (Word, external)

Charter School Application (Updated July 2021): Charter School Application
Article IV - Series 4000
Policy 4110Attendance
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 4200Provision of Equal Opportunity in West Virginia Public Schools
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 4321.1Standards for School Nutrition
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 4336West Virginia School Bus Transportation Regulations, Procedures, and Specifications for the Design and Equipment of School Buses
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 4350Procedures for the Collection, Maintenance and Disclosure of Student Information
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 4355High School Diploma for Veterans
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 4373Expected Behavior in Safe and Supportive Schools
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Article V - Series 5000
School Personnel
Policy 5000Procedures for Designated Hiring and Transfer of School Personnel
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 5050West Virginia Commission for Professional Teaching Standards
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 5100Approval of Educator Preparation Programs
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 5202Minimum Requirements for the Licensure of Professional / Paraprofessional Personnel and Advanced Salary Classifications
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 5300Board of Education Relations with County Staff and School Employees
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 5309County Superintendent Performance Evaluations
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 5310Performance Evaluation of Professional Personnel and Athletic Coaches
(PDF, external); (Word, external)

The WVBE approved a waiver of WVBE Policy 5310 on October 15, 2015. The waiver delays the use of summative assessment results of English Language Arts and Mathematics for the 15% component of an educator's evaluation for the 2015-16 school year. West Virginia Board of Education Policy 5310 will continue to require the use of summative assessment results for the 5% school-wide growth component of the evaluation system for the 2015-16 school year.

All references in Policy 5310 regarding roster verification were also waived for the 2015-16 school year.

Educator Evaluation Resources

Professional Growth Plan Form (pdf)
Coach Evaluation Form (pdf)

Policy 5314Service Personnel Classification, Competency Testing, and Professional Learning
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 5500Professional Learning for West Virginia Educators
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 5500.03Skills for Principals
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 5530Sabbatical Leave Policy for Professional Educators and Teacher Aides
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 5612Workers' Compensation Benefits
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 5800Standards of Professional Practice for West Virginia Superintendents, Principals, and Teacher Leaders
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 5901Alternative Certification Programs for the Education of Teachers
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 5902Employee Code of Conduct
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Article VI - Series 6000
School Buildings and Sites
Policy 6200Planning of School Facilities
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 6202Indoor Air Quality
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 6203HVAC Technicians
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 6204School Closings or Consolidations
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Article VII - Series 7000
Relationship with Public, Other Agencies and Institutions
Policy 7200Intercounty Transfer Arrangements
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 7211Conflict Resolution Process for Citizens
(PDF, external); (Word, external)

Resolution flowchart

Policy 7212Nonresident and Resident Student Transfers
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Article VIII - Series 8000
Policy 8100Public School Finance (Handbook for School Finance in WV)
(PDF, external); (Word, external)

(Part 1 - Word)
(Part 2 - PDF)
(Part 3 - PDF)
Policy 8100.1Computation of Average Daily Attendance (ADA) and Average Daily Membership (ADM)
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 8200Purchasing Policies and Procedures Manual Policy
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 8210Exempt Purchasing Procedures
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 8224Projection of Net Enrollment Increases
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 8300Safe Schools Funding Process
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Policy 8400Charter Schools Stimulus Fund
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Effective March 20, 2025:
Policy 8500Competitive Grant Application and Award Process
(PDF, external); (Word, external)

West Virginia Secondary School Activities Commission Policies
Series 1Constitution
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Series 2Athletics, Provisions Governing Eligibility
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Series 3Provisions Governing Contests
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Series 4Provisions Governing Conduct
(PDF, external); (Word, external)
Series 5Band and Other Activities
(PDF, external); (Word, external)