Mission, Vision and Goals of the State Board of Education


Mission:  The West Virginia Board of Education establishes policies and rules to assure implementation of education goals and to ensure the general supervision, oversight and monitoring of a thorough and efficient educational system.

Vision:  All West Virginia students will exceed national educational standards and prepare for higher learning and the world of work through the programs, services and offerings of West Virginia’s thorough, efficient, safe and nurturing education system.


1.      All students shall master or exceed grade level educational standards that reflect 21st century skills and learning

2.      All students shall receive a seamless pre-kindergarten through twenty curriculum designed and delivered with broad stakeholder involvement to promote lifelong learning in a global society

3.      All students and school personnel shall develop and promote responsibility, citizenship, strong character and healthful living

4.      All students shall be educated in school systems that operate and deliver services efficiently and effectively

5.      All students shall be educated by highly qualified personnel