Leave of Absence - Personal


An individual hired for permanent employment may be granted a personal leave of absence without pay subject to the discretionary approval of the State Superintendent provided the employee makes written application for such leave to the State Superintendent.


The period of a personal leave of absence should not exceed one year but may be granted for a shorter or longer period at the discretion of the State Superintendent.  Unless specifically authorized by the State Superintendent, a personal leave of absence is from employment with the Department and not from a specific position.  The Department reserves the right to fill, modify or eliminate the vacant position if required by business needs or a lack or loss of funding.  However, the employee who returns from such leave may be afforded the opportunity to return to the position previously held or may be placed in a position for which he or she is qualified within a six month period of the expiration date established for the leave of absence.  Prior to or upon the expiration date established for the leave of absence, the employee shall provide in writing to the Office of Human Resources, a status letter of intent.  If there is intent to return to work, the employee must request for re-employment consideration for any available position the employee may be qualified. 


While on a personal leave of absence without pay, an employee does not earn sick or annual leave.  Time spent on a personal leave of absence is excluded as qualifying years of service credit with the state unless the leave of absence is for military reasons. 


The employee is required to pay his or her share of the premium and the Department's share of the premium to maintain medical/basic life insurance when granted a personal leave of absence.  The employee is also required to pay optional or dependent life insurance while on a personal leave of absence.