Electronic Information Systems


West Virginia Board of Education Policy 2460, Safety and Acceptable Use of the Internet by Students and Educators, establishes criteria for the safety and acceptable use of the Internet by students, educators, school personnel and the West Virginia Department of Education employees.  The Department=s electronic systems are provided for the business of the organization.  All e-mail correspondence is the property of the Department.  The State Superintendent of Schools or designee has the right to access and disclose all correspondence sent over the Department=s e-mail server and network.  Employees are prohibited from gaining or attempting to gain access to another employee=s file or e-mail correspondence without approval; however, the State Superintendent or designee has the right to enter an employee=s e-mail correspondence whenever there is a business need to do so.  Additionally, employees’ creating, storing, sending or viewing inappropriate materials may result in disciplinary action and/or dismissal.


Employees shall cease use of the computer if a virus has invaded her/his computer and shall report the problem immediately to the Office of Technology and Information Systems.